West Midland Butterfly Conservation Society – Open Garden Walk and Talk

Event Details

West Midlands Butterfly and Conservation Society will be holding an event at The Dorothy Clive Garden. The Grand opening of the moth trap will take place at 10.30am (there is no harm done to the moths during this process moth trapping is a way of attracting moths to a light or food source so that you can take a closer look at the species all moths are released back in the wild) for more information about moth trapping see following link. https://www.lancswt.org.uk/blog/charlotte-varela/moth-trapping-beginners This is a great educational event for children.

Pre booked Walk and Talk sessions are available throughout the day for groups not exceeding 10 adults. Each adult can be accompanied by up to 2 free children .

Normal admission charges will apply upon entry to the Garden. This is just booking for the walk and talk session. Funds raised will go the Butterfly Society.

Butterfly Walk and Talk session times: 12.00pm, 1.30pm and 3.00pm. Cost: £3 adult. Each adult can be accompanied by up to 2 free children.

To book a place click on the following link: https://bit.ly/2Mc4iX1

To find out more about the West Midland Conservation Society and the work they do visit their website via this link http://westmidlands-butterflies.org.uk/