
We have a designated wheelchair access route in the garden as it is our intention that all visitors to the garden enjoy fair and equal access wherever possible. However, the garden has been developed on a hillside and this makes accessibility difficult in some areas of the garden. By following the outline recommended below you will ensure maximum enjoyment of the garden.

Access Statement for the Dorothy Clive Garden

The Willoughbridge Garden Trust aims to attract a wide range of visitors to the Dorothy Clive Garden and welcomes all disabled people in society, irrespective of age, physical, intellectual or sensory ability.

Through the Trust’s commitment to rest and recreation, education and the environment it aims to inform all inform visitors about the garden and the charity’s work. The Willoughbridge Garden Trust continually works towards raising standards in its visitor facilities and customer care.

The Trust is committed to identifying areas where improvements are required and is recommending reasonable solutions. These recommendations should form the basis of future work strategies for the garden.

As a service provider, The Willoughbridge Garden Trust not only wants to comply with relevant legislation, but also to go further in providing a top quality experience for all visitors. It will endeavour to ensure that disabled people are not treated any less favourably, and that ‘reasonable adjustments’ are made where appropriate and possible through sensitive and creative solutions.

However, the Trust recognises that relevant legislation does not override existing practicalities to do with the garden’s steep topography. Where access to certain areas of the garden or routes through the garden are simply not possible then improved interpretation facilities and alternative services will, wherever possible, assist in overcoming these restrictions.

Training in disability awareness will be carried out in key areas within the Willoughbridge Garden Trust and will be a continuing process over the years.

The Garden

The garden is subdivided into approximately two equal-sized parts. This subdivision is marked by the tearoom. (no 2 on map), pavilion (no 1 on map), the entrance to the quarry garden (no 3 on map) and the high level car park (marked clearly on the map). We recommend that you visit the northern half of the garden first (no’s 4-10), Most of this area is accessible to wheelchairs although a few flights of steps exist in the centre of the Quarry; these must be traversed around. Once you’ve finished exploring this part of the garden we recommend a visit to the tea room (located centrally at no. 2). Once refreshed, you will be free to move downhill through the southern slopes of the garden finishing around the pool area (at no. 13).

Car Parking

Disabled visitors may park on the ‘High level car park’. This is marked clearly on the garden plan overleaf and signposted from the Lower car / coach park.

The garden boasts around 50 seats at regular intervals to rest, relax and be inspired.

Ramps have been constructed to improve access to both the tea room and lavatories.

Wheelchairs may be borrowed free of charge from the tea room. We do advise pre-booking of the wheelchairs to avoid disappointment during busy times.

We value customer feedback enormously. We would be pleased to receive suggestions on how we may further improve facilities for disabled visitors. A comment card is freely available from the tea room. This may be posted in the ‘comment cards’ box’ located there.

Mobility Scooter

We have a Mobility Scooter for the use of those who are less able (subject to the availability of staff to undertake training on its use and of the scooter itself). It is best if you have prior experience of using a Mobility Scooter.

You will need to be assessed by one of our gardeners to determine whether you are going to be safe to use it. You will undergo a short training session with the gardener and you will be asked to sign a user declaration form. The gardener will need to be with you at all times whilst using the scooter this is because of the nature of the terrain around the garden and for health and safety reasons.

We do require a £5 refundable security deposit to use the Mobility Scooter.  Please pay in cash.

Please note: we require 48 hours notice if you wish to use the Mobility Scooter. If you wish to reserve a scooter please call 01630 647237

Carer’s Policy

What documentation do you require for a carer ticket?

 Guests who have the following documentation are entitled to one free carer ticket. However, the guest with the disability and any further members of their party will pay full price. Please show the relevant paperwork as well as suitable photo ID of the named recipient at the ticket kiosk when you buy your tickets. For proof of disability, please bring one of the following forms of documentation:

  • Entitlement to Disability Living Allowance for children under 16 or DLA/Personal Independent Payments for those aged 16-64, either in the form of a letter stating that the benefit has been awarded or the actual allowance book
  • Attendance or carers Allowance letter of award
  • Incapacity Benefit books, or a letter notifying the recipient that the benefit has been awarded
  • Incapacity Benefit or Employment Support Allowance
  • A valid Blue Badge
  • In the case of visual impairment, a registration card known as the BD8 or a certificate of Visual Impairment
  • a recognised Assistance Dog ID Card
  • Credibility’s Access Card
  • Nimbus Disability Access Card

The carer would be expected to understand the disabled person’s condition and assist them in managing it for the duration of their visit. If more than one carer is required, a letter from G.P. or consultant is needed stating the number of carers required.

Braile editions of our Garden Booklets

We have Braile editions our Garden booklets – A Garden of Memory and Hello Dolly these are available in the Gift Room.

Accessibility Map